PS-SwitchToken Bookmarklet Generator

PS-SwitchToken is a JavaScript program that allows you to seamlessly switch users during a PeopleSoft session.

Use the form below to generate a PS-SwitchToken bookmarklet for your PeopleSoft environment. Input a title for the bookmarklet and the Local Node Password and then click Generate.

Bookmark Title:
Node Password:

Generated Bookmark:

Drag the generated link into your browser bookmark bar and invoke it from a PeopleSoft page in your environment.
You will get a prompt to input the User ID that you want to switch to:


After inputting a valid User ID and clicking OK, the page will refresh and you will be logged in as the new user.

Notice This utility may not work for all PeopleSoft environments. Check out the GitHub Repository for additional configuration details and troubleshooting tips.

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